Sunday, February 26, 2012

Vampire Junction │ S. P. Somtow

"Vampire Junction" by S.P. Somtow is a remarkable novel.  It is the story of a twelve-year old rock star, Timmy Valentine, the idol of millions of young girls and boys, who is actually a 2,000 year-old vampire.  This book was first published in 1984.  It became immensely popular and influential, and, is considered by many to be ancestral to the Splatterpunk Movement in Gothic Literature.  "Vampire Junction" was voted one of "forty all-time greatest horror books" by the Horror Writers Association.  Somtow has written two sequels to "Vampire Junction", they are "Valentine", and "Vanitas".  To say anymore about this cool book would spoil its impact on the first-time reader.  Safe journeys to all the fans of Gothic Endyr, wherever you may be.